Cinderite ParaLite

Cinderite 100% Organic Direct Perlite Replacement Soil Amendment for Indoor, Outdoor Plants & Gardens - Stimulates Soil Micro-Organism Activity. Safe Around Children and Pets – 12 lb. Bag

Cinderite ParaLite - 1

Cinderite ParaLite is a 3/8” clean aggregate intended for enhancing soil structure. ParaLite permanently conditions soil without the use of any artificial additives or easily eroded materials. This 100% organic soil amendment is a direct replacement for perlite, expanded shale, and biochar.

Each Bag of Cinderite Weighs 12 lbs.



Cinderite soil amendments are certified ORGANIC by OMRI and TORC.  Cinderite is 100% all-natural, pure, chemical-free, and safe for the environment. Cinderite is sourced from the fertile dormant volcanoes located in the southern part of the state of Utah in the USA.  It contains numerous earth-friendly minerals, which help plants grow naturally without the use of harmful fertilizers or pesticides.


Cinderite ParaLite is valued for its ability to permanently improve soil infiltration and moisture retention. The ionic nature of Cinderite latches on to moisture, unlike any other product.


Cinderite ParaLite facilitates soil moisture retention, effective microbial communities, and plant vitality, resulting in a robust root system.


Cinderite's paramagnetism aligns with and enhances the geomagnetic field (GMF) in the soil ecosystem. The GMF is a field of energy created by the convective movement of the earth's liquid iron and nickel outer core. Life on earth depends on the GMF, not only for the protection it provides from harmful cosmic rays but also for the constant field of energy it produces in all biospheres. Many forms of microbial life use the GMF to navigate through a soil’s ecosystem.


ParaLite not only increases soil porosity and infiltration but also facilitates aggregation by stimulating soil biology.


Cinderite will not shock your soil ecosystem with mineral imbalances or harsh salinity. Its mineral content will slowly become available as it is converted into an organic form by microbial life.


Our soil amendment is all-natural, pure, chemical-free, and safe for the environment. It contains earth-friendly minerals and is safe to use around pets, plants, and children (if used as directed,) helping your plants grow naturally without the use of harmful chemicals.


Cinderite’s unique mineral composition lacks heavy metals and has low salinity, allowing it to dramatically improve plant vitality without harming your pets.

Cinderite ParaLite is a 3/8” clean aggregate intended for enhancing soil structure and is a DIRECT replacement for Perlite. ParaLite permanently conditions soil without the use of any artificial additives or easily eroded materials. This 100% organic soil amendment is a direct replacement for perlite, expanded shale, and biochar.


Suggested Use: 

Same application of perlite, so 20% to 40% of potting soil or growing medium.

Potted Plants: Incorporate into a potting mix as you would with perlite – typically 1 part Cinderite ParaLite to 4 parts of soil, potting mix, or another growing medium.

Cinderite ParaLite is a 3/8” clean aggregate intended for enhancing soil structure and is a DIRECT replacement for Perlite. ParaLite permanently conditions soil without the use of any artificial additives or easily eroded materials. This 100% organic soil amendment is a direct replacement for perlite, expanded shale, and biochar.


Suggested Use: 

Same application of perlite, so 20% to 40% of potting soil or growing medium.

Potted Plants: Incorporate into a potting mix as you would with perlite – typically 1 part Cinderite ParaLite to 4 parts of soil, potting mix, or another growing medium.

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